Ipv6 Proxies: Visio For Mac

2020. 2. 8. 11:58카테고리 없음

  1. Visio For Mac Download

We're run across an issue with Receiver for Mac where users cannot connect to our XenApp 6.5 farm if they have iPv6 enabled and are configured for a IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack scenario. It seems that many ISPs are now implementing consumer routers that issue both iPv4 and iPv6 addresses. The particular user we had today was a using the latest MacOS with Receiver 12.4 and Comcast ISP.

Ipv6Visio for mac office 2016Ipv6 Proxies: Visio For Mac

The user is able to login through the Netscaler portal and reach the StoreFront but when attempting to launch applications received the following error 'Cannot Connect To Server: xxxxxxSTAxxxxxxxx' Setting the TCP/IP parameters on the machine to only issue a link-local iPv6 address resolved the issue. Our environment is Netscaler 10.5 61.11.nc. XenApp 6.5 HRP6. StoreFront 3.1.

We do not have iPv6 enabled on our Netscaler VIPs, StoreFront or on our XenApp hosts. It seems to me that the browser is doing the initial connection on iPv4 as it should but something is going wrong with Receiver when it attempts to receive a ticket from the STA. Any idea why this issue would occur on a dual-stack iPv4/iPv6 Mac client but not on a Windows client? UPDATE - So this weekend I had a customer on Comcast who was on a Windows 10 machine in an IPv6/IPv4 configuration. He was getting an error 'secure ticket authority cannot be contacted' when attempting to launch an app through Receiver 12.4 for Windows. I had him disable the IPv6 stack on the machine, and he was then able to launch the app successfully.

NetShade 7 offers IPv6 addressing through certain NetShade servers. This means that when you connect to an IPv6-enabled Proxy or VPN server, you'll be on the IPv6 Internet, able to access any IPv6 website, even if your ISP doesn't support IPv6 yet. The NetShade Proxy Service. Mac: The NetShade app is first and foremost a configuration.

This was the first instance I've ever seen this problem on Windows. I tried to reproduce the issue on my Windows 10 machine with IPv6/IPv4 dual stack through both my Verizon LTE and Comcast and was unable to do so. However, I have a theory as to what could be happening.

From the failed IPv6 enabled Mac Receiver log above I see the following: 11:42:44.630 738 2 proxwrap.c 449 ProxyCachingGetAddrInfo TCPROXY TTAPI2 host=citrixpgh-rs.netl.doe.gov already registered at ipaddr 2620:111:a002:153::10:23 From the success IPv6 disabled log I see the following: 11:44:37.928 752 2 proxwrap.c 484 ProxyCachingGetAddrInfo TCPROXY TTAPI2 host=citrixpgh-rs.netl.doe.gov registered w/ipaddr We have both A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) records in DNS for citrixpgh-rs.netl.doe.gov but only the IPv4 VIP is live on our Netscaler. The IPv6 VIP is not enabled at the moment. Now I'm sure the simple solution is to either remove the IPv6 AAAA record or enable the IPv6 VIP on the Netscaler. However I would have still expected that in a dual stack situation that Receiver would have a mechanism to ensure that its using the same IPv4 proxy that the original session was established with on the Netscaler. This does not appear to be happening. Is Receiver obtaining the host name from a DNS lookup and because IPv6 is the preferred stack, it is returning the v6 record instead of the v4 that it should be using?

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I have the exact same issue. I am using Citrix Receiver 12.8.1 for mac, with Netscaler Gateway 3.1.6, on a MacPro with High Sierra 10.13.2. Through the router of my ISP (Ziggo, in the Netherlands), I have both ipv4 and ipv6.

Attached to this message is a screenshot from, to show my ipv6 connection is healthy. I don't have any other problems with my connection or router or ISP ever. Just like the topic opener, I can login to Netscaler Gateway and I see the desktop icons.

When clicking on the Desktop icon, I get 'Cannot Connect To Server' errors. The only way to get connection is to turn off ipv6 in macOS System Preferences  Network Advanced Configure ipv6 link-local only. Just like described above. The urls I am trying to connect to are all configured with ipv4. This organisation is not on ipv6, they have confirmed to me. My suspicion is that is must have something to do with the ipv4/ipv6 implementation of my ISP (the largest in the Netherlands), because when connected through my iPhone by hotspot, I have no connection problems.

Maybe this happens in conjuction with existing bugs in Citrix for Mac, because I have read in the link below, in previous versions, these kind of bugs were there, and were solved: Apparently this is an unsolved bug, or something else. I am no Citrix customer myself, just a user. Hopefully this is read an picked up on to investigate.